Privacy Felipe Baez Privacy Felipe Baez

Why I avoid Meta services and applications

Frequently, I am asked questions like, "Why don't you use WhatsApp?" or "Why aren't you on Instagram?" My typical response is that I choose not to support Meta and its businesses, which deal extensively with user data. Sometimes, I simply mention the first part of the explanation without elaborating further.

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Cloud Storage, Private Cloud Felipe Baez Cloud Storage, Private Cloud Felipe Baez

How to Sync Dropbox and Google Drive with External Drives Using Synology NAS

Many individuals and companies depend on cloud storage services like Dropbox and Google Drive. However, these platforms have certain limitations, such as data transfer limits and restrictions on syncing external drives. In this article, we'll show you how to sync your Dropbox or Google Drive with an external drive using Synology NAS (Network Attached Storage) devices and BaezCloud, a cloud storage service based on Synology servers.

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Cloud Storage, Private Cloud Felipe Baez Cloud Storage, Private Cloud Felipe Baez

Going Solo in the Cloud: My Quest for Independence from Google and Apple

In this article, I share my journey to break free from Google services and achieve independence in cloud computing and storage. I discuss the challenges I faced and the steps I took to transition to alternative solutions, including setting up my own server and using self-hosted software. I reflect on the benefits I have experienced from this transition, including increased control over my data and improved access to my files and photos.

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Private Cloud, Cloud Storage Felipe Baez Private Cloud, Cloud Storage Felipe Baez

Cloud Storage Showdown: Private vs Public - Which is Right for You?

Are you trying to decide between private and public cloud storage for your business or organization? In this article, we explore the key differences between these two options, including cost, scalability, security, and control. We also discuss the benefits and drawbacks of each option, and offer guidance on how to make the best decision for your specific needs and priorities.

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