Mastodon Server

Our Mastodon server is the heartbeat of our online community, providing a safe and inclusive space for us to connect, share ideas, and support each other. We believe in the power of community, and we know that you do too. That's why we're asking for your help to keep our Mastodon server alive.

As a non-profit project, we rely on donations from members like you to cover the costs of hosting, maintenance, and upgrades. Every little bit helps, and your support means the world to us.

When you donate, you become a vital part of our community, ensuring that our Mastodon server remains a welcoming and inclusive space for everyone. Your donation will go directly towards keeping our server running smoothly, and will enable us to continue providing the support and resources that our members rely on.

We understand that times are tough, and not everyone is able to donate. That's okay! There are other ways you can help. Simply sharing this message with others, or spreading the word about our Mastodon server, can make a big difference.

So, will you help us keep our Mastodon server alive? Your support means the world to us, and we are grateful for your generosity. Thank you for being a part of our community, and for helping us continue to thrive.

Select how you want to help with the PostChat Mastodon server

  • Sponsor

    With this amount we have a guarantee to cover all hosting costs and also allows us to continually upgrade in case needed. You’re the best and we’ll find a way to make you feel special!!

    Prices for this subscription:

    10 USD/month
    10 EUR/month
    9 GBP/month
    250 CZK/month
    55 BRL/month

  • Super Sponsor

    Words cannot describe this type of help! This is all very new to us so we don’t know yet how we make this up to you other than making our PostChat mastodon amazing! You’ll hear more from us soon!

    Prices for this subscription:
    20 USD/month
    20 EUR/month
    18 GBP/month
    500 CZK/month
    100 BRL/month

  • One time donation

    Any amount you donate will help keeping online!